
Every product made with INVERSA leather
is directly linked to biodiversity restoration in a vital ecosystem.

INVERSA Python Product


INVERSA™ Python is humanely sourced to protect the Greater Everglades ecosystem, North America’s last subtropical wilderness in the United States.

Material Overview

  • The Greater Everglades, an 11.5-million-acre subtropical wetland in Florida, is home to coastal mangroves, sawgrass marshes, and pine flatwoods that provide critical habitats for hundreds of species and coastal protection against flooding. Indigenous mammal populations play a key role in maintaining this balance, but non-native pythons are severely reducing their numbers through indiscriminate predation and are destroying this once-vibrant ecosystem.

  • Each INVERSA™ Python hide protects & restores up to —

    • 90% of native wildlife populations eliminated by pythons

    • 460 native animals that each 13-foot python consumes over its lifetime

    • 39 endangered species’ survival probabilities

  • INVERSA™ Python, Black Glossy

    Thickness: 1mm

    Softness: 3.9 mm
    Test Method: ISO 17235

    Colorfastness to Light: 5.0
    Test Method: AATCC 16.3, Opt. 3 Xenon

    Colorfastness to Crocking, Dry: 4.5, 50 Cycles
    Test Method: ASTM D5053

    Colorfastness to Crocking, Wet: 4.5, 20 Cycles
    Test Method: ASTM D5053

    Tensile Strength, Breaking Strength: 44.25 lbs
    Test Method: ASTM D2209

    Tensile Strength, Elongation: 49.445%
    Test Method: ASTM D2209

    Bally Flex: No Damage Up to 80k cycles
    Test Method: ASTM D6182

    Martindale Abrasion, Dry (Handbag Spec): No wear up to 6k cycles

    Test Method: ASTM D4966

    Martindale Abrasion, Dry (Footwear Spec): No wear up to 10k cycles
    Test Method: ATRA MTM 31, Method A

  • Products made with INVERSA™ Python are available for purchase through our growing network of brand partners including footwear by Rex Shoes and leather goods by w.kleinberg. To learn when new products are available, subscribe to our mailing list at the bottom of this page.


Available in matte or glossy finishes in a variety of colors. Custom colors are available upon request.

INVERSA Python Glossy Finishes

Glossy Finish

INVERSA Python Matte Finishes

Matte Finish

INVERSA Silverfin Products

INVERSA™ Silverfin

INVERSA™ Silverfin, with its smooth and elegant scaling pattern, restores the Mississippi River Basin, where these non-native carp outcompete indigenous species from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.

Material Overview

  • The Mississippi River Basin, a 30-million-acre crucial ecological lifeline for North America, supports over 870 species of fish and wildlife and sustains global communities. The overpopulation of Silverfin, or non-native carp, threatens this rich biodiversity, causing ecological imbalances and putting the livelihoods of those who depend on the river system’s health and resources at risk.

  • Each INVERSA™ Silverfin hide protects & restores up to —

    • 90% of native biomass in the Mississippi River Basin

    • 120+ native freshwater species

    • $500B economy & 1.5M livelihoods that depend on this vital waterway

  • INVERSA™ Silverfin, Brown Glossy

    Thickness: .8mm

    Softness: 3.8mm
    Test Method: ISO 17235

    Colorfastness to Light: GSR 3-4
    Test Method: ISO 105

    Colorfastness to Veslic Rubbing, Dry: GSR 4-5
    Test Method: ISO 11640

    Colorfastness to Veslic Rubbing, Wet: GSR 4
    Test Method: ISO 11640

    Tensile Strength, Breaking Strength: 36 N/mm2
    Test Method: ISO 3376

    Tensile Strength, Elongation %: 40.8%
    Test Method: ISO 3376

    Bally Flex: No cracking or damage
    Test Method: ISO 5402

    Martindale Abrasion, Dry (Handbag Spec): GSR 4-5, No damage up to 6k cycles
    Test Method: ISO 12947

    Martindale Abrasion, Dry (Footwear Spec): GSR 3-4, Slight loss of scale 10k cycles
    Test Method: ISO 12947

  • Products made with INVERSA™ Silverfin are available for purchase through our growing network of brand partners, including leather goods by w.kleinberg and more. To learn when new products are available for purchase, subscribe to our mailing list at the bottom of this page.


Available in a glossy finish in a variety of colors. Custom colors are available upon request.

INVERSA Silverfin Finishes
INVERSA Lionfish Products

INVERSA™ Lionfish

INVERSA™ Lionfish, with its refined scale pattern, not only protects native reef fish, but also their coral reef homes, letting the ocean breathe freely.

Material Overview

  • The coral reefs in the Caribbean are biodiversity hotspots that support 42M livelihoods and protect coastlines from storms and erosion. Today, non-native lionfish present one of the greatest ecological and economical threats here — lionfish infest over 7M+ square kilometers of reef systems, and a single lionfish consumes up to 70K native fish.

  • Each INVERSA™ Lionfish hide protects & restores up to —

    • 70,000 native reef fish consumed by each Lionfish

    • 79% of juvenile fish that are consumed within 5 weeks of invasions

    • 42M+ regional livelihoods dependent on healthy coral reefs

  • INVERSA™ Lionfish, Jurassic Matte

    Thickness: .3mm

    Colorfastness to Light: > BWS 4
    Test Method: ISO 105

    Colorfastness to Veslic Rubbing, Dry: GSR 3
    Test Method: ISO 11640

    Colorfastness to Veslic Rubbing, Wet: GSR 3-4
    Test Method: ISO 11640

    Tensile Strength, Breaking Strength: 8.0 MPa
    Test Method: ISO 3376

    Tensile Strength, Elongation %: 39.7%
    Test Method: ISO 3376

    Flex Resistance: No cracking or damage up to 15k cycles
    Test Method: ISO 5402

  • Products made with INVERSA™ Lionfish are available for purchase through our growing network of brand partners, including jewelry by Brackish and footwear by GRUNDENS. To learn when new products are available for purchase, subscribe to our mailing list at the bottom of this page.


Available in a matte finish in a variety of colors. Custom colors are available upon request.

INVERSA Lionfish Products

Matte Finish