Ethical exotics that restore nature.

INVERSA™ manages harmful non-native species to revive ecosystems.

Materials // Ecosystems

The Greater Everglades

INVERSA™ Python //

The Greater Everglades

The Greater Everglades provides critical habitats for hundreds of animal species and coastal protection against flooding for Southeastern America. Among the rich native wildlife, non-native pythons cause a severe decline in animal populations that keep the ecosystem in balance.

INVERSA Silverfin
Mississippi River Basin

INVERSA™ Silverfin //

The Mississippi River Basin

The Mississippi River Basin is an ecological lifeline for North America, supporting over 870 species of fish and wildlife. The overpopulation of Silverfin, or non-native carp, harms native biodiversity, degrades water quality, and threatens community livelihoods.

INVERSA Lionfish
Caribbean Reefs

INVERSA™ Lionfish //

The Caribbean Reefs

The Caribbean coral reefs are biodiversity hotspots that support 42M livelihoods and, when healthy, protect coastlines from storms and erosion. Non-native lionfish,  through prolific predation, threaten the health and stability of these already vulnerable ecosystems.

Our Ethos—

Something positive from something negative.

As a humane byproduct of ecosystem restoration that addresses the harm caused by non-native species, INVERSA™ ethical exotics restore balance to nature.


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